Monday, December 23, 2019

Brain Structure And Basic Functions - 6760 Words

INDEX Preface I- Introduction - Brain Structure and Basic Functions II- Memory - Introduction - Improve your Memory - Memory Disorders III- concentration/focus - Introduction - Improve concentration/focus - Concentration/Focus Disorders IV- Brain Nutrition V- Brain Sleep VI- Brain Exercise VII- Brain Social Life VIII- Negatives for brain health - Stress - Alcohol - Smoking - Drug Addiction - Traumatic Brain Injury - Cerebrovascular Disease Preface The brain is the control center of the body. It controls the conscious and the unconscious body processes. It is the center for conscious thoughts and mood , allows us to make decisions , think , feel and communicate with outside . It also controls the voluntary movements and regulates digestion and breathing. Being a complex organ, it is difficult for us to understand how the brain works, how it controls everything in our bodies and how its function declines. Throughout many year , people try to solve the mystery of the brain . Many structures and functions of brain are now well known , but that knowledge is not enough to deal with that mystery. We know that it is made up of neurons (about 100 billion nerve cells). Neurons are connected like wires in a giant telephone exchange. Keeping brain health is a challenge as most of disturbances of the brain functions do not occur immediately but in a progressive way. In this book, you will have some information on how the brain works , what affects the brain and howShow MoreRelatedEssay about Biology Study Guide989 Words   |  4 PagesII. BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Objective II.1 Identify the basic components of the neuron. Key Terms neuron dendrites axon cell body (soma) Exercises 1. What is a neuron? Neurons are individual cells in the nervous system that receive, integrate, and transmit information 2. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Jefferson Wears A Tie Free Essays

The story Jefferson wears a tie is about a man called Jefferson. His occupation is that he works as a sales administration manager at a firm. He is quite good and skilled doing his job and got quite the potential. We will write a custom essay sample on Jefferson Wears A Tie or any similar topic only for you Order Now He is a creature of habit in what he does, and driven by his routines. He struggles to work hard and to finish his deadlines but all that changes. He starts to put less time in his work and lacks that determination he once had. He shows up late for work and acts differently during the day and quickly people at his work start to notice this sudden change and noticing him a bit more than usual. That starts a bit of a chain reaction at work, people starts to talk about him behind his back and the rumor about him getting that promotion is closer than ever. One day when the managing director shows up he confronts him with a possible promotion wearing only pajamas where it’s questioned if he even wanted the promotion. 2.Characterize Jefferson and his development Jefferson seems to be a rather reasonable man that sticks to himself; he got somehow a few routines that he like to do such as, getting that cup of tea and doing that small talk on his way to the office. A man that has a relative important role in the form, that means he got work on his table and need to make sure the quality of his work is in top notch quality, you could say that he takes a certain pride in his hard work. As the story progresses he develops different personalities, initially he cares a lot about his work and don’t have the need to socialize during work hours. But now he begins strategically different towards have himself noticed by his superiors. It’s now that he begins to socialize more, and enjoy reading the news with a cup of tea before he starts his work. He starts to feel less appreciated at work, feels that he is better than most of his fellow employees. Suddenly he chooses to rebel against his habits, his pattern changes and people quickly begin to notice him. It’s not only by work they can notice him it’s also his appeal as he starts to dress differently. This ongoing pursuit for a better position at work slowly decreases and he starts to think that his job is meaningless, so by other words he starts questioning his current position. It’s an admirable process that our main character goes though. He starts from being quiet and dissatisfied to evolving into a confident man that does  whatever he pleases. 3.Comment on the environment at Jefferson’s workplace. The environment seems to be a quite common workplace in an office. A place also where nothing really matters in a way, there are all these fancy job titles and the boss has clearly no idea about what his employees are doing, or how they are doing it. The social aspect seems to lack in this place and judging by there are a few that talks and dreams about vacations to get away from the place. 4.In a short essay (150-200 words) discuss why some people rebel against the norms and others conform to the rules. Relate your discussion in the text. The reason I think why the most people adapts to the norms it’s because, it’s actually the easiest thing to do. But then, it’s hardest for the person to fall out from these norms because you risk being judged by other people. It’s also a good way of laying of the responsibility that you got for yourself, just obey orders like Jefferson and do what pleases other. People tend to be stuck at doing things their way, some people does not necessary embrace change into their life. They are at their comfort zone, safe doing the things they do, so why change it? People also seem to tend to rebel against some of the norms because some feel the urge to break free from the rules, it can be a fantastic feeling to be also true to yourself and not being â€Å"chained† by these norms. For example, Jefferson starts questioning his life and by that he takes more control of it than ever. It’s also being said that sometimes you have to think outside the box, I believe this saying is perfect to this since you can achieve greatness other ways than following the path that already has been laid out for you. How to cite Jefferson Wears A Tie, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Accounting Information System for Revenue Cycle Management

Question: Discuss about theAccounting Information System for Revenue Cycle Management. Answer: Introduction An accurate identification and acceptance of the sales of an organization is an important internal control element for the firms income statement. The sales of a company represent the primary source of the operational cash flow of the company and thus they need to be protected, monitored and managed using effective internal controls (Davis Doyle, 2016). The following procedure should be used by the firm to account and recognize for all the sales of the company. Overview of the revenue cycle To ensure success and efficiency of the companys success , the following steps should be taken. Due to the recent ransom ware outbreak, the company should take appropriate steps to ensure that the companys data is protected from these type of attacks (Orvis, 2006). First, is the sales order entry procedure. This involves processing customers orders in an organized and efficient manner to ensure that that there is prompt and accurate shipment. The second step is point of sale orders procedure. In this step the organization should ensure that they provide POS point of sales procedures to guarantee that the postings of the sales correctly have an effect on inventory and cash. However, there should be authorizations and proper reviews by the stores manager (Lirov, 2007). The third step is customer credit approval and terms procedure,: The company should take this step with the seriousness it deserves because it is at this step that potential collection problems are reduced. Any new customer will be evaluated before any credit extension is approved. .the organization should outline clear guidelines on how potential customers get credit approvals before sales orders are consummated (Revenue cycle management toolkit, 2008). The fourth step in the cycle is sales order acceptance procedure. This sis meant to ensure that the company provides the highest levels of service to its customers and also minimizing any problems coming from the orders. Thus, the recommendation is that the company should verify all orders before they are consummated. The fifth step is shipment to the customer followed by invoicing which should be done in a timely manner to ensure that the customers make timely payments. Revenue cycle risks There are several risks that are associated with the revenue cycle. These include ensuring that there is accuracy of sales and authorization. The organization should ensure that prices are correctly quoted and they follow the pricing policy of the organization (Julisch Kruegel, 2005). Another risk associated with the revenue cycle is reviewing how credit terms are extended to customers who pose a credit risk to the company. Another risk is making sure that during shipment , the goods are not delivered to the wrong person or company. Thus the organization should ensure that they get the correct address of the customer. Other risks include sales to customers with poor credit,shipping errors, theft of inventory, failure to bill customers, billing errors, theft of cash among others (Mesa Graziano Holtzman, 2005). Specific internal controls that could be implemented The organization should set up an independent credit approval function that also deals with good customer accounting to prevent selling to customers with a poor credit history. For the organization to prevent shipping errors it should reconcile the picking tickets, data entry controls , bar code scanners with the shipping notices (Julisch Kruegel, 2005). Other internal controls that should be put in place to reduce theft of inventory and inaccurate records include putting measures to ensure good accountability, secure inventory and frequently reconcile the physical count of the goods with the records. The internal control that preventys failure to bill customers is that the organization should ensure that shipping and billing should be carried out at the same time. Also, the organization should ensure that they reconcile all the sales documents and pre number the shipping documents (Bu?schkes Laskov, n.d.). Theft of cash is reduced by separating duties and assigning separate officers to undertake handling cash and posting of accounts to different individuals. Deposit the cash from sales instantly to the bank and bank reconciliation to be done by a non cash handler. Loss of data is reduced by regular off site and on site backup. Ransom ware attack Ransom ware is malicious software that threatens to block access to the victims data and publish the data to the public unless some ransom is paid. The software varies from simple to complex. While the simple ransom ware is easy to reverse especially for a knowledgeable person, there is a more complex and advanced ransom ware known as crypto viral extortion which makes an organizations files inaccessible by encrypting the victims files (Graham, 2008). A victim cannot recover their data without using a generated key that is only given after payment of ransom in form of bitcoins amd Ukash which makes its difficult to trace the perpetrators. Conclusion in conclusion, an organization can prevent its data from ransom ware attacks by backing up all the organizations information in a completely different system. Second, the staff should always be wary of suspicious websites, emails and apps and lastly using an effective and up to date antivirus. References Bu?schkes, R., Laskov, P.Detection of intrusions and malware vulnerability assessment. Davis, N., Doyle, B. (2016).Revenue cycle management best practices. Chicago, Illinois: AHIMA Press. Graham, L. (2008).Internal controls. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Julisch, K., Kruegel, C. (2005).Intrusion and Malware Detection and Vulnerability Assessment. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Lirov, Y. (2007).Practicing profitability. Marlboro, N.J.: Affinity Billing. Mesa Graziano, C., Holtzman, M. (2005).Management's reports on internal controls. Florham Park, N.J.: FERF. Orvis, S. (2006).Revenue cycle management. Marblehead, MA: HCPro. Revenue cycle management toolkit. (2008). Marblehead, MA.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Social Business

Introduction A social business is a business which operates under the principle of non-loss, non-dividend basis for the shareholders or business owners with an aim of achieving a certain social objective.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Social Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social business may be owned by governments, charity organizations or individual owners (Yunus Weber, 2007, p.24). The main objective of a social business is to alleviate poverty through empowering people, especially the less fortunate and the poor with financial resources to do business or through programs which provide them with employment or access to cheaper and affordable goods and services. The shareholders or owners of social business do not get any dividends from the profits made by the business but only their initial contributions to the social business (Yunus Weber, 2007, p.24). In this assignment, focus is on d iscussing social business, its scope and potential in alleviating poverty. Examples of social business to be discussed include the Grameen bank and Grameen Danone businesses both in rural Bangladesh. Discussion Why Social Business The system of capitalism creates two social classes in the society, that is, the haves and the have not’s (Milanović, 2010). The have not’s are the poor, marginalized and oppressed and are subject to exploitation by the haves. The key driving force behind the establishment of social business was therefore the failure of capitalism to take into account the plight of the have not’s in the society.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Professor Yunus’ idea of social business is one that can be explained as a win; win business both for the business owners and the poor in that the business owners help the poor without incurring any losses (Yunus Weber, 2007, p.24). Social business is not charity, because nothing is given for free in social business. The reason why social business does not go the charity way is because charity work only helps in creating dependence syndrome due to lack of sustainability of the programs executed through charity work. Instead of charity work, social business aims at creating a mechanism in which the poor may be helped in a sustainable manner in that the social business makes profits just like conventional businesses, but the profits are used for the expansion of the business to reach out to even more people with the owners of social businesses only recouping their initial amounts which they invest in the social business (Henry, 2011, p.139). The workforce in social business is mainly the poor and less fortunate. They are employed as a strategy of solving the problem of unemployment among the poor. The workforce is treated just like any other. Once the social busin ess makes more profits, the workforce may be given some incentives to motive them to work even harder and better so as to improve the social business. According to Professor Yunus, social business is evaluated not on the amounts of profits it makes but on the social impacts it makes in the society (Yunus Weber, 2007, p.24).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Social Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Scope of Social Business Social business was initially formed with the main objective of helping the poor through financial and educational empowerment programs and environmental protection. Since its inception, it has broadened its scope with an objective of making it a multidisciplinary strategy to poverty alleviation and development. According to Baker in his journal titled â€Å"Social Business-Aims and Scope†, social business goes beyond economic empowerment as envisioned by its founder Prof essor Yunus to include corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship, globalization, social and technological innovation, transformational marketing, sustainability, wellbeing, volunteerism, and foreign aid (Baker, 2011). The scope of social business as discussed by Baker therefore portrays it as a multidisciplinary approach to poverty alleviation in that it brings on board various disciplines and players together to pool up resources and efforts in order to help the poor through doing business in a sustainable manner. The multidisciplinary approach therefore makes social business all round and increases its ability to fight, eradicate poverty and initiate development (Yunus, 2007). Potential of Social Business in Poverty Alleviation and Development Social business if done properly has got a big potential of alleviating poverty and initiating development. As per the scope discussed above, social business encompasses various players who bring together their financial, technologic al and technical inputs in combined efforts which not only help in poverty eradication but also in improving the living standards of the poor.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More If undertaken in the proper manner, social business can go to great lengths in poverty alleviation and development as discussed in the two case studies below. Social Business Case Studies Grameen Danone foods ltd in Bangladesh This is a partnership social business between the Grameen bank of Bangladesh and a company known as Danone. Established in 2006, the objective of the business is to provide nutritious diet to children of rural Bangladesh which is poverty stricken. The two companies agreed to take the initiative due to poverty and malnourishment of children in rural Bangladesh, in which the diet of many children lacks many important dietary components like vitamins, iron, zinc and calcium (Yunus, 2007). The company operates on a no loss, no dividend basis, meaning that the company owners only get back their original contributions while the profits go into the expansion of the business so as to reach out to as many Bangladesh rural children as possible. The company makes special yoghurt which contains high contents of calcium, zinc, iron proteins and vitamins. The milk is sold to rural Bangladesh children at highly subsidized prices making it affordable to many rural Bangladesh citizens. The business started on a small scale but it has witnessed an exponential growth which has seen more and more children improve their health through the consumption of the highly nutritious yoghurt. The business is also expanding and benefiting the local livestock farmers, who work hard to produce milk and sale to the company. The company also employs people from the rural Bangladesh as its workforce. In these ways, it has managed to improve the living standards of the rural Bangladesh people in a sustainable manner (Yunus, 2007). Grameen bank in Bangladesh Grameen bank is a rural based micro credit initiative launched by Professor Yunus in the year 1975 and later established into a microcredit institution by the government of Bangladesh in 1983(Yunus, 2007). It operates in the rural areas of Bangladesh and its main objective is economic empowerment of the rural Bangladesh people. It operates by giving the poor people some loans without any collateral. The loans are given to people who are organized into small groups. The bank does not have legal guidelines regarding loan repayment but rather, it relies on group peer pressure to make the group members repay the loans (Yunus, 2007). The group members practically serve as the collateral in that once a group member defaults repaying the loan, the group members contribute to repay and collect their contributions from the defaulter through their own mechanisms and at their convenience. The bank targets women because of the gender inequalities in Bangladesh which do not give women opportunities to do business. In fact, over 80% of the beneficiaries of the bank services are women from rural communities in Bangladesh. The bank has been growing and its impact has been increasing. This saw it receive a Nobel pe ace award in 2006 together with its founder Professor Mohammed Yunus. It has actually gone to great lengths in empowering poor rural women in rural Bangladesh (Yunus, 2007). Conclusion Social business is a philosophy of fighting poverty through doing business. The idea was initiated by Professor Mohammed Yunus of the Vanderbilt University. The main objective was to take care of the excesses of the capitalistic ideology of doing business, by replacing the capitalistic idea of profit maximization with social maximization. The scope of social business was initially economical and educational empowerment as well as environmental protection, but recently, its scope has been expanded to include other things like corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship, globalization, social and technological innovation, transformational marketing and sustainability. Social business operates on a no loss, no dividend basis. The profits are used for the expansion of the business so as to reach out to as many people as possible. The success of a social business is not evaluated on the profit margins but on the impact it makes on people as far as poverty alleviation, empowerment and development are concerned (Yunus, 2007). Examples of social businesses which have been a success include the Grameen bank and Grameen Danone food ltd, both in Bangladesh. The Grameen bank aims at empowering people, especially poor rural women economically by giving them loans without collaterals to start small businesses. Since its establishment, the bank has grown and expanded to reach more women each year. As a result of this, the bank received a Nobel peace award in 2006 for its efforts in empowering the poor rural Bangladesh women economically. Grameen Danone foods ltd is a social business owned jointly by Grameen bank and Danone Company. It was established with the objective of improving the health status of rural Bangladesh children through selling highly nutritious milk at subsidized prices. It also provides employment to local people as well as creating a market for the local dairy farmers to sale their milk (Yunus, 2007). The idea of social business is therefore a very healthy one, in that it attempts to bridge the gap between the haves and the have not’s, which is a product of capitalism. Social business ensures that those who are able and willing to help in solving the problems in the society do so in a sustainable manner which does not create dependence syndrome, and therefore can be explained as a win, win business in that the owners of the business get back their initial contributions to the business, as they quench their desire to help others who are less fortunate in the society (Yunus, 2007). References Baker, M.J.(2011). Aims Scope. Web. Henry, C.O.(2011). Avoiding the Fear Trap: Learning to Neutralize and Overcome the Power of Fear. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing.p.139. Milanović, B.(2010). The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic Hi story of Global Inequality. Mustang, OK: Basic Books. Yunus,M., Weber, K.(2007). Creating a World without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism. Greater London W6 7JP: Public Affairs Publishers. p.24. Yunus, M.( 25 December 2007).Yunus Business Center: Social Business. Web. This research paper on Social Business was written and submitted by user Jedidiah Rivas to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Duty To Protect Vs. Duty To Warn When Dealing With Dangerous Clients Essays

Duty To Protect Vs. Duty To Warn When Dealing With Dangerous Clients Essays Duty To Protect Vs. Duty To Warn When Dealing With Dangerous Clients Essay Duty To Protect Vs. Duty To Warn When Dealing With Dangerous Clients Essay About every mental wellness professional has faced the hard undertaking of holding a client at one clip or another that may present a danger to themselves or person else. This state of affairs can show a struggle at times for healers and others who are torn between continuing client confidentiality and protecting others from possible injury. Fortunately, there are legal processs in topographic point for covering with this sort of quandary. The downside to this, nevertheless, is that the legal guidelines are non ever the same in each legal power. Being cognizant of the specific methods for and legal duties for covering with these sorts of state of affairss within each specific province is the duty of the practician, and can be hard for healers who may pattern in more than one province or who relocate their offices from one province to another after a period of clip. However, cognizing a small spot of background about the responsibility to warn and the responsibility to protect and the instances that led to the infliction of these legal responsibilities can assist steer healers and other mental wellness professionals in implementing ethical schemes for covering with these sorts of fortunes. The legal constructs of responsibility to warn and responsibility to protect were foremost introduced in 1976, with the instance of Tarasoff V. Regents of the University of California. This instance established that healers are obligated to inform an identified 3rd party of possible danger if a client indicates that he or she may harm another person. However, a big figure of provinces besides have a rigorous set of guidelines for put to deathing the responsibility to warn in that there must be grounds of the possibility of serious danger or injury, the injury is really likely to happen, and that the targeted person has been clearly identified. While the responsibility to warn refers specifically to advising a possible 3rd party of the at hand danger or injury, the responsibility to protect has broader deductions. With the responsibility of protect, which is an option merely in some provinces or legal powers, the healer still has the legal duty to protect a 3rd party from danger but can make so through a assortment of options such as hospitalization, more strict outpatient therapy, or other methods of intercession that still enable the healer to keep client confidentiality. While the responsibility to protect is a preferable method of covering with these sorts of state of affairss among mental wellness attention professionals, this signifier of statute law is merely in topographic point in 24 provinces, with an extra nine provinces runing under this responsibility due to imposed tribunal determinations in territory or regional tribunal systems. Exceptions to the responsibility to warn can be seen in a figure of cases when the general populace is concerned. In most state of affairss, healers are under no duty to warn the general populace about the hazard of danger from one person, even if a menace is noted. The deductions of this exclusion are peculiarly of importance when it comes to the menace of transmittal of HIV and other contractible diseases. In most provinces it is already illegal to knowingly infect another individual or group of people with HIV. However, healers are non lawfully obligated, and even discouraged from, warning the general populace about the hazard of transmittal of HIV from a wittingly septic client. In this case, client rights and confidentiality would predominate. Another case where the responsibility to warn and the responsibility to protect are of importance is when it comes to the menace of kid maltreatment. In many provinces, healers and other professionals are obligated to describe when a kid may be in danger or is being harmed, frequently without respect to client confidentiality or an duty to farther supply extra intercession or intervention to the client. However, the job that is seen in many provinces or state of affairss is that there are no clearly defined guidelines as to how terrible the injury has to be in order for a healer to transgress confidentiality. While most statute law specifies that there must be a clear and immediate danger, the definition of this can be construed otherwise by many people and at different times. For illustration, spanking could be perceived as some to be a clear and immediate danger to kids, while to others, the menace would hold to be much more terrible in order to go against client confidentiality i n favour of protecting a kid. While it is clear that there are many legal duties that healers have to warn others about possible dangers and to protect clients and others from injury when the demand arises, the trouble in put to deathing many of these responsibilities frequently lies in equivocal guidelines in many legal powers. Often, it is an ethical determination that each single practician must do based on their ain rules, the Torahs within their specific legal power, and their perceptual experience of the manner the jurisprudence is defined and the specific state of affairs.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Essay Example for Free

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Essay John Irving (6) , A Prayer for Owen Meany (4) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? A popular theme in literature concerns the concept of ‘growing up’, a painful process by which a character achieves maturity, self-knowledge and confidence. In the novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, the character of Owen Meany achieves this painful process. Owen Meany is introduced in the novel as a remarkable individual and throughout it can be observed how the brilliant child evolves into the memorable individual that he turns into. In the novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving, Owen Meany matures, gains self-knowledge and confidence to become the miracle that his character was. Owen Meany was obviously a brilliant child, but was still able to improve on his excellent character as he was growing. This can be seen through Owen’s maturity level. He was always remarkable advanced and mature for his age, but as he became older, he understood even more than before. His best friend was Johnny Wheelwright. In their friendship, Owen looked after Johnny. He gave him advice and even helped him out academically. When Johnny was bitter about his mother not revealing to him who his father was before she died, Owen came up with a mature response, â€Å"Of course, as Owen pointed out to me, I was only eleven when she died, and my mother was only thirty; she probably thought she had a lot of time left to tell me the story. She didn’t know she was going to die, as Owen Meany put it.† (Irving 10) In the face of irrationality, Owen found it easy to point out the logic. The easy way he comes up with intelligent responses to difficult questions are proof of this child’s brilliance. Later on his life, the reader sees that Owen has matured in regards to his perspective on Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. Kennedy had been somewhat of a hero in Owen’s mind and he had felt betrayed by him. He is able to later recover from this viewpoint and analyze the situation differently. She’s just like our whole country – not quite young anymore. But not old either; a little breathless, very beautiful, maybe a little stupid, maybe a lot more smarter than she seemed. And she was looking for something – I think she wanted to be good. Look at the men in her life – Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Miller, maybe the Kennedys. Look at how good they seem! Look at how desirable she was! †¦ She was never quite happy †¦ She was just like our whole country †¦ Those famous powerful men – did they really love her? Did they take care of her? If she was ever with the Kennedys, they couldn’t have loved her – they were just using her †¦. People will do and say anything just to get the power; then they’ll use the power just to get a thrill †¦. The country is a sucker for powerful men who look good, we think they’re moralists and then they just use us. That’s what’s going to happen to you and me †¦ we’re going to be used.† (Irving 431) Owen Meany is very good at analysis, and he uses these talents to make conclusions on many things. It is an excellent example of his maturity. When Owen first discovered that JFK might be having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, he was shocked. Now, he is able to rationalize it and see JFK in a different light. He is able to come up with educated ideas concerning JFK and Marilyn Monroe. His metaphor of Marilyn Monroe and the United States is an excellent one. Both Marilyn Monroe and America have a great deal in common because of their mutual exploitation by the rich and powerful. Owen Meany learns a great deal about himself through the course of his life. He is convinced that there are reasons for all things. One of his strongest conviction stems from what his parents told him about him being born in the same way as Jesus. Due to this, Owen feels very convinced and assured of himself. He is a highly intelligent child: I know three things. I know that my voice doesn’t change, and I know when I’m going to die. I wish I knew why my voice never changes, I wish I knew how I was going to die; But God has allowed me to know more than most people know – so I’m not complaining. The third thing I know is that I am God’s instrument; I have faith that God will let me know what I’m supposed to do, and when I’m supposed to do it.† (Irving 366) Owen has complete faith that there are reasons for his being the way he is. This is an example of Owen’s self-knowledge. He knew these things with a complete certainty and accepted them. Few people will have blind faith in something. Owen had questions, but he still put his faith in God, bowing to his superiority. He knows who he is. He understands his purpose. He is told by many that he is crazy and insane for thinking that there is a plan for why he has the voice he has. He is also told that he should run far away from what he thinks his destiny is, but Owen is not most people. He knows what his destiny is and runs towards it. Owen’s self-awareness and knowledge is what allows him to feel that he is headed towards the right path. In the end, Owen was right. He is able to save the Vietnamese children, â€Å"It was not only because he spoke their language; it was his voice that compelled the children to listen to him – it was a voice like their voices. That was why they trusted him, why they listened. ‘DOONG SA,’ he said, and they stopped crying.† (Irving 612) In the end, Owen is to be admired for his self-knowledge. Johnny would now be wrong in thinking Owen to be strange for thinking that his odd voice had a purpose. It did have a purpose. Owen’s voice helped him save the Vietnamese children. Owen Meany has a great deal of confidence in himself. If he sets his mind to do something, he can do anything. Owen Meany desperately wanted to join the army and be able to fight so that he could fulfill his purpose that he discovered in his dream. â€Å"If there’s a war and I’m in the army, I want to be in the war †¦ I don’t want to spend the war at a desk. Look at it this way: we agree that Harry Hoyt is an idiot. Who’s going to keep the Harry Hoyts from getting their heads blown off?† (Irving 462) The way that Owen ended the statement, almost makes him sound cocky. In a way, he is, but another term to describe it would be that Owen is confident. He places total trust in God that what will happen will happen. He is confident that he is going to die, fulfill his purpose in life and be a hero. It is uncanny how unshakable Owen’s faith is. Most people are unable to practice what they preach, and Owen does what he thinks is right. He does live by his rules. It is unbelievable that he is willing to throw away his life because of his faith in God. He does not even have any proof of assurance that God does exist, but in his mind he does not need any. When Owen would be practicing his basketball shot with Johnny and it would get dark, he would ask Johnny if he could still see a statue of Mary Magdalene after it became completely dark. He would ask Johnny how he could be certain that she was still there, if he could not see her, â€Å"You absolutely know she isn’t there – even though you can’t see her?’ †¦ Well, now you know how I feel about God †¦ I can’t see Him – but I absolutely know he is there!† (Irving 451) Owen explains to Johnny that he just knows in his gut and instinctively that God exists. In the same way that people can understand and accept that other things exist without physical proof, Owen is convinced of the existence of God. His confidence is daunting. It is unusual for a person to be so rationally convinced about theology and at the same time be willing to go to extremes in the name of God. When he was getting closer to the day of his death, he had doubts, â€Å"I don’t know why he’s here – I just know he has to be here! But I don’t even ‘know’ that – not anymore. It doesn’t make sense! Where is Vietnam – in all of this? Where are those poor children? Was it all just a terrible dream? Am I simply crazy? Is tomorrow just another day?† (Irving 604) Owen is growing up. He is scared and confused. He doesn’t know why Johnny has to be there for his dream to come true. He doesn’t know if anything is going to happen. His doubts are the most important step to his growing up. In the end, he was right all along. The character, Owen Meany, was a miraculous one, due to his maturity, self-knowledge and confidence, in the novel A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Owen was always mature for his age, but he was able to improve on it and make better judgements. He understood that although Kennedy was someone who had been a hero to him, that things are not always as you want them to be. He was able to open his mind to this, and eventually accept the possibility that Kennedy might have behaved inappropriately. Owen had an extreme amount of assurance in himself. He just knew some things and did not feel the need to question them too much. He knew that there was a reason for his voice and although, he wanted to know why, he did not feel daunted by this. He had faith in his ability to do things, even some that he did not manage to do, such as, going to war. Owen’s confidence is the last important point in his path to ‘growing up’. He had doubts and fear, but in the end his confidence in God and himself won out. Owen finally grew up, when he did what he was meant to do by God. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. (2017, Aug 22).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Main Developments of E-Marketing Based on a Comprehensive Essay

The Main Developments of E-Marketing Based on a Comprehensive Literature Review - Essay Example The main interest of a business is to know what their consumers’ need. The advantage of this type of marketing is that it customizes its offers, personifies the sites, and this provides added value. The customer can choose whatever he wants and other varieties that have been offered. This also improves the loyalty of the customer. The traditional type of marketing was only focused with the physical appearance of the product. Using the internet the cost paid by the consumer and the profit expected are both put in check. The customers can purchase whatever they like on the internet wherever they are, and get the item delivered to them instead of them going around physically and wasting time. Internet marketing offers a two way communication. These means that a business could easily fit in a customer’s needs, and provide whatever the market needs. Another advantage of internet marketing is that it reduces the many advertisements done on TV and radio, hence minimizing costs of selling the business. The speed of communication is also favored between the buyer and the seller. Time is saved unlike the way it was done traditionally. During the transportation of the products purchased, there could have been delivery obstacles, leading to insufficiency, but e-marketing has really reduced such inconveniences. It can also be noticed that transportation costs are reduced as the customer will not travel from point to point in search of a product in the market. A customer will also enjoy the reduced transaction costs and will not be suffocated by time and space. Internet marketing has helped the upcoming business in their difficult areas like unskilled labor, reduced business costs and increased productivity, inadequate capital and unavailability of good infrastructure. HOW TO DETERMINE IF E-MARKETING IS WORKING FOR YOU OR NOT When determining this, one should look at the effectiveness of a marketing strategy. It should be cheaper, faster and better than previou sly. There are some ways in which industries and organizations can measure if E-Marketing is working for them or not. As (Mokhtar & Burgess, 2002pp1368) suggests, â€Å"Increased revenue per employee, customer satisfaction, reduced inventory, increased sales per salesperson, an increase in market share and increased profits† are some of the ways in which the success of internet marketing can be determined. LIMITATIONS OF E-MARKETING ESPECIALLY TO SMALL ENTREPRISES Most of these enterprises lack E-infrastructure, they are not aware of what is happening, limited capital, low technology skills, unskilled labor, social and cultural inhibits just to mention but a few. These barriers have always pulled their business backwards. Strict policies in some countries could also affect the good performance of the businesses. Culture can be a barrier when looking at the ICT adoption. ADVANTAGES OF E-MARKETING It is vital to note that the traditional marketing activity occurs in three main channels. Distribution Transaction Communication. These advantages are divided into three main parts. They include Communication channel: information can be easily exchanged from the buyer to the seller. This can improve how the organization interacts with the customer and have a perpetual experience. By communicating directly with the customer, on is able to gather

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The body is a tool through which to construct the self Essay - 1

The body is a tool through which to construct the self - Essay Example The essay "The body is a tool through which to construct the self" discovers the Body in the context of Fashion. When it comes to analyzing the relationship between the society and a human being, little attention is paid to the role of body. It would not be an exaggeration to point out that humans are creatures that possess a dual nature: in spite of the fact that spiritual constituent of the identity is important, the material one is also essential for developing a correct understanding of a human being. That is why it would be particularly important to shed light on the issue that has largely been overlooked as the former constituent is regarded as an object of bigger interest than the latter. This paper will analyze the relationship between body and society, engaging evidence that is taken from academic literature and group the findings in the following categories: the temporal aspect; body as reflection of culture; body and fashion; the role of body on television; body as a platf orm for new gender. As it has already been noted, the relationship between body and society could be traced to the very emergence of the latter. That is why the analysis of it should start from a careful examination of views on body in the previous times. Thus, it is quite obvious that the categories that influenced the public opinion of the previous ages are quite different from the contemporary ones. So, by examining the cultural and ethical dominants of the past one might reconstruct the role of body in the society.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Recrutiment Process at Infosys Essay Example for Free

Recrutiment Process at Infosys Essay Infosys Technologies has got the most structured recruitment process among all IT companies in India. First of all, they do not have any distinction between any branches of Engg. Whatever be the branch, you can sit up for the selection process if you qualify their other eligibility criteria like marks and time gap. i. e Once you had appeared for any test at Infosys, you will have to wait for 9 months until you appear for any of their recruitment process. For Off-campus, send in your resumes to the mail-Id mentioned and you are sure to get a call letter if you meet their academic criteria. Hence once you send the resume, start preparing for the exam, because you are sure to get a call. You may get call through e-mail invitation and further the admit card will be send to your postal address through courier/post. Latest selection process. ( As on March 2006) The duration of the selection process is 2. hrs which includes filling in an application form, an Aptitude Test (Analytical Thinking and Arithmetic Reasoning) and a test of Communicative English Language. The duration of the tests alone will be 90 minutes. The Aptitude Test will be generally of Puzzles type and the no. of questions will vary between 9 -15. The best way to practice for the tests is to go through the previous question papers at Freshersworld. com or refer books like Sakuntala Devi or George Summers. Go through the Maximum No. of previous question papers and prepare well for the puzzles.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essays on Movies (Films) - Stephen Spielbergs Schindlers List :: Movie Film Essays

Essays on Movies (Films) - Stephen Spielberg's Schindler's List    "I know that the great tragedies of history often fascinate men with approaching horror.   Paralyzed, they cannot make up their minds to do anything but wait.   So they wait, and one day the Gorgon devours them,   But I should like to convince you that the spell can be broken, that there is an illusion of impotence, that strength of heart, intelligence and courage are enough to stop fate and sometimes reverse it." Albert Camus.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Albert Camus believes that the greatest tragedies of history are so horrific that people stand in awe, and consequently, nobody even attempts to do anything in response of the tragedies.   Many are under â€Å"an illusion of impotence† , and eventually, Camus states, â€Å"The Gorgon devours them†.   Also, in order for this â€Å"spell to be broken†, people must   have â€Å"strength of heart, intelligence and courage.†Ã‚   I believe that Albert Camus is correct, people are under a vale of impotence when it comes to the tragedies of the world, and that people can easily overcome this inability and reverse their fate, or let the â€Å"Gorgon† devour them.   Camus's beliefs can be proved through the use of examples from the movie Schindler's List.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oscar Schindler, the movie's main character, is, in the beginning of the movie, not actually aware of the full extent of the killing of Jews and the powerful anti-Semitic outlook of his comrades.   His ties relating to the affairs of the Nazi party and his loyalty to his country shield him from this knowledge. Thus, it can be concluded that in the beginning of the movie Schindler does not fully grasp the tragedy at hand, and consequently does nothing attempt to aid the Jews.   Shindler's realizations of the horrors of the holocaust begin in one scene near the middle of the film.   During this infamous turning point of the movie, Schindler, on top of a barren hill, traces the path of a young and helpless Jewish girl who wanders haphazardly through the streets of a devastated camp.   In a red trench-coat-coat, nowhere to go, desperately searching for her two parents, the little girl finally wanders into an abandoned building where she is safe from the chaotic world outside.   Her safety is only temporary, for later she will be hunted down and cold heartily murdered, forgotten to the world, destroyed by her own people, asking in wonderment, why do I deserve such punishment?      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This scene is the point at which Schindler becomes infuriated, and he asks himself why, and most importantly, what he could do to stop the massacre.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Learning Team Reflection Week Essay

The week prior we reflected on how to succeed at team building, conflict in the team work, different tip on team collaborations, and conflict skills that make a difference in the work place and in your team. As we all collaborated on our issues and thoughts about how these are used in our work place these issues different issues began show to also show up as we work together as a group complete or different assignment, the different conflict that we all face, how we work together to work those differences out and how we can overcome those optical and the roles that each of us play or even take to make sure that we are getting the job done. How to succeed at team building Team building is the one of the most important reason why organizations succeed or fail. One of the biggest barriers to building a successful team is the lack of investment by an organization in team development, whether that investment comes in the form of time or money. Building a thriving team is hard work and time consuming, which can pose a challenge for business leaders today as they want a return on their investment too quickly. It takes the commitment of the organization, team leadership, and team members to build winning teams without it the organization is dam to fail. When building a strong successful team focus of the six keys point that can assists in team bulding1. Develop employees on the right job, 2. Look to your leaders, 3. Assess the team, 4 Create a culture of engagement, 5. Give team what they need, 6. Establish conditions for success; with these six points can assist with a build a strong foundation a great team. CONFLICT IN WORK TEAMS Modern business etiquette has, for the most part, kept working together within a corporation very civil and relaxed. We have many different ways of relieving tension and conflict between workers, however it does still occur, even in ways which we do not immediately realize. Conflict can be something obvious and overt, such as an argument or companywide competition. However it can also be something much less obvious, an undiscussed bit of competition between two people, and one may simply wish to get a project done a few minutes before the other person, maybe they are each vying for a promotion or raise. It is very difficult to immediately spot issues like these, usually because the people involved do not ever speak of it, however as a manager, it is important to closely monitor morale and actions by the employees. It is also important to be able to spot how certain differences or changes to the work load, or new policies and events may create conflict between workers before and after it has been implemented. Tips on Team Collaboration Team collaboration can be both very helpful and successful or it can be very negative and waste each team member’s time. Often times, in team collaborations, one or two of the group members become overly dominant and when they speak their opinions or ideas the rest of the team just agrees with them and the brainstorming stage is over. Some tips to team collaboration that can assist in making the team successful is to first, before any work has been started, determine what the overall objective is. Ensure that each team member can answer the question, â€Å"Why are we here?† This will put each member on the same page. Secondly, make sure that each team members voice and opinions are heard and respected. Sometimes people are afraid to speak their ideas because they are afraid of the reaction they will receive, if there are team members that do not appear to be involved in brainstorming, the next idea is to have each member write their ideas out on a piece of paper. Once each person has written down their ideas the team leader can either verbally read each idea or write them on a white board for the team to see and review. Conflict skills that make a difference  conclusion Reference

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Ronald Reagan Administration

In the year 1980, an unstable economy at home, a hostage crisis overseas, and the end of prior administrations that were not trusted at all troubled The Untied States. Ronald Reagan was elected as the oldest president at sixty-nine years old on November 4th, 1980. Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois and before he was elected he served two terms as California governor first year starting in 1966. He served to presidential terms from 1981-1989. Reagan's track record proved to be very strong and included welfare cuts, decreasing the number of state employees, and halting radical student protesters.Like other GOP members, Reagan came into office promising to limit the power of government and to strengthen American military power overseas. â€Å"In this present crisis,† Reagan said in his inaugural address in 1981, â€Å"government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. † He was saying that government was holding the economy back of its full potentia l. Ronald Reagan wasted no time in institutionalizing the new conservative creed. In 1981, after surviving an assassination attempt, Reagan pushed his plan of lower taxes which was that proved most beneficial to the rich and steep budget cuts through a tentative Congress.Additionally to that year he cut spending on social security, debilitated and weakened organized labor groups, and lived up to his campaign promises and commitments by reducing government regulations and laws that had prevented mergers while managing the banking industry. Also, in 1981 he appointed conservatives who would carry out his vision of smaller government to agencies like the EPA, his cabinet, and the courts. A big keystone was Anti-Communism of Ronald Reagan administration’s foreign policy.The Reagan Doctrine had a unstable relationship with the Soviet Union and Central America, more so than with other nations. President Reagan drove for a space-based missile system to help keep America on the offen sive and, to protect ourselves from other countries trying to attack the Untied States. He also pushed for a â€Å"Caribbean Basin Initiative† in expectations of stimulation of economic growth in the United States. Many critics saw Reagan's military tactics as illegitimate and dishonest.They disagreed with the quantity of funding relegated to military efforts in Central America. . These funds were used to intervene in Grenada and El Salvador, and aided pay an undercover war against the revolutionary government of Nicaragua. As expected from a timid Liberal Congress, funding for the Nicaraguan war was blocked. Nonetheless, the National Security Council raised the money to finance the intervention. Reagan saw the Soviets at the heart of every international dispute, from revolution in Central America to international terrorism in the Middle East.To frustrate the Soviets, Reagan called for the largest and most expensive peacetime military buildup in American history. Ronald Reaga n made the Untied States of America military powers way stronger than ever, he was always trying to improve the military’s technology and weapons. He made America one of the strongest military powers when in office. With his telegenic features and extensive experience in front of a camera from his career in Hollywood, Reagan was ideally suited for politics in a growing media age.Though intellectually unaspiring and often disengaged in his leadership style, he brilliantly articulated themes of patriotism, individualism, and limited government that resonated with millions of Americans. The President worked tirelessly in effort to propel his campaign for a second term. Ronald Reagan's victory in the 1984 presidential election underscored his political popularity which he carried 49 states and 525 electoral votes. Through his speeches he repeated his anti-Communist bombast that Soviets and Communism, as a whole, would fail.He despised the Soviets and told the country they would f ail in anything against America. Ronald Reagan's second term witnessed a radical change in U. S. and Soviet relations. He was concerned about a possible backfire against his policies; Reagan called for a â€Å"constructive working relationship† with the Kremlin. At the same time, a new leader was emerged in Mikhail Gorbachev, came into power determined to change Soviet society by introducing a series of political and economic reforms.In determination to avoid an expensive arms  race and allow economic growth to take place, Gorbachev declared a suspension, or delay, on deployment of medium range missiles in Europe and asked the United States to do the same. The result of these growths was a series of four Reagan-Gorbachev summits, which concluded in the first U. S. and Soviet treaty to reduce the number of nuclear weapons. Treaties were then worked out and caused demolition of some missiles and allowed onsite checkups and inspections to occur. This was big for both countryâ €™s’ as the missiles were demolished from attacking each other.This was one of the many huge accomplishments while Reagan was in office. The Soviet Union no longer standing the type of threat it once did, Reagan and his anti-communist attitude and mentality still did not let up. Reagan with a goal of greater participation in the third world, the military's attention and care was soon afterward shared with the Middle East and its terrorism. Previous administrations had not been completely honest with the public as to what exactly their foreign policies involved. For this reason, great attention was turned toward President Ronald Reagan's handling of foreign policy in 1986.That year, there was assumption of the United States trading weapons with Iran in exchange for the return of American hostages being held in Tehran. In 1986, despite a Congressional ban, Reagan approved and authorized the sale of arms to Iran. This complex arrangement's aim was to furtively fund Nicaragua n rebels' efforts to defeat the cruel Sandinista government, successfully stopping the spread of Communism. All this was done in an effort to send a strong message to the Soviets that further Marxist activity would not be tolerated.Reagan was not a fan of communism he was an anti-communist. He did not accept it, and always had his eyes on communist. Despite these wins over communism, Reagan's authority was diminished and weakened in his second term by this scandal. Congressional hearings and investigation by special prosecutors led to the indictment of some of the President's top advisers. By the conclusion of his presidency, conservatives spoke greatly of the â€Å"Reagan Revolution,† which reduced the size of the government, reduced and lowered taxes, and technically â€Å"won† the Cold War.However, some claimed that Reagan's domestic policies forced excessive adversity on the poor and created a piercing increase and surge in homelessness around the whole country, wh ile his extreme military spending produced an extraordinary budget deficit. People say he increased military power over economic attentions. Possibly the critical irony of Reagan's presidency was that he improved public faith, confidence, and trust in the office of the presidency at the same time that his enormous scarcities crippled Washington's capability to reply to demands for greater government services.Nonetheless in actuality, his anti-Communist movement led to a grander involvement in the third world, particularly in Central America, and made his point very clear that he would stop at nothing to achieve worldwide democracy. Ronald Reagan's passionate opposing Communist rhetoric could be viewed as very debatable in its time, but events have shown he was prophetic in regards to the complexity of Soviet interior flaws. In an address to the British Parliament on June 8, 1982, Reagan declared that the Soviet Union was in the middle of a â€Å"great revolutionary crisis† an d expressed hope that Communism would wind up â€Å"on the ash heap of history.†He noted the depth of Soviet economic stagnation. Which he said, â€Å"The dimensions of this failure are astounding,† and, â€Å"A country which employs one-fifth of its population in agriculture is unable to feed its own people. Over centralized, with little or no incentives, year after year the Soviet system pours its best resources into the making of instruments of destruction†. The Soviet authorities criticized this Westminster speech, one of the most important of Reagan’s presidency.Still, what Reagan had defined was no secret to numerous Communist Party officials. One of them was Gorbachev, who evoked in his memoir that he was acquainted with the â€Å"disastrous picture† of Soviet agriculture millions of acres wasted, villages abandoned, and soils ruined by pollution. It was not until after President Reagan's two terms in office that his efforts against Communis m were understood as necessary. Less than a year after Reagan left office, the Berlin Wall was knocked and the Cold War was officially over in 1991.The Soviet collapse and failure was the result of a conclusion of many events, including the Chernobyl disaster, rebellion in the Baltic republics, and the rising expectations of consumers in a socialist system that could not manufacture anything of use. Reagan was right about the Soviet collapsing. Reagan was indeed sensible in his pomposity and his Anti-Communist views. These actions on his behalf led to greater worldwide investment in democracy. Ronald Reagan was a great natural born leader. He was a great speaker and his speeches were so motive.He was one of most influential political leaders in modern American history. Reagan’s presidency was a social, ideological, and political impact for the Untied States of America. He was one of the main leaders against anti- Communism. Ronald Reagan made the country stronger in political and military wise. Reagan thought you should be able to dream big and to accomplish your dream. Ronald Reagan thought you should have the determination, courage, strength, and hope to live that big dream and make it become real. Reagan thought outside the box and wanted Americans to live with big hope with their freedom.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Linguistic Imperialism as Discriminatory and Exclusionary Weapon Against Mexican Americans essays

Linguistic Imperialism as Discriminatory and Exclusionary Weapon Against Mexican Americans essays The United States has experienced a well-publicized and hotly debated inundation of new citizens. The new immigration wave of Hispanic laborers, incited by the proliferation of free trade and the promise of a more vibrant economy in the United States, has inclined a continually intensifying arrival of Spanish-speaking citizens to the central employment center on the North American continent. This has been met with both resistance, mostly founded on American labor class presumptions of increased job competition, and with excitement, generally held by those who believe in the overarching economic opportunities present in such swelling immigration patterns. To groups on both sides, there is a concerted interest in curbing the flow of illegal immigration into the United States, with a mutual resolution resting somewhere in a balance of proper asylum and regulation. The immigration policies in the United States have been elevated to amongst the premier social and political issues of the day. At the heart of the issuei ¿Ã‚ ½s importance are the economic realities driving so many individuals to seek opportunity in a United States which is only fitfully receptive to the absorption of so many foreign born peoples. The fastest growing of such groups is Americai ¿Ã‚ ½s Hispanic population, which is increasingly establishing a pertinent economic identity in the U.S. as a result of its sheer size. And as the population of Hispanics continues to rise, so too does their presence in locations where previously, ethnic diversity had not been a defining characteristic. This means that at present, immigration is helping to redefine the cultural and social makeup of many parts of the country, especially those where agricultural and production-oriented labor are central to the economy. To this end, as it redefines ethnic or racial realities in the United States, immigration also levels a determinable impact on the economic systems in place. By consideri...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Reflective journal Mo4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective journal Mo4 - Essay Example Sometimes, however, we just don’t want to be blamed for what might be a wrong decision, so it is easier to share the blame with others in a group decision. After all, if several of us agreed to the decision, then maybe the mistake was not that obvious, and therefore I, as one of the decision makers, won’t look too ridiculous for making it. But there are decisions, I know, that I alone could make: what career to take, whom to marry, where to work, what would make me happy. If I were a manager, then there would be decisions the company would expect me to make personally, due to shortness of time or lack of resources. There may be consultants, or techniques such as the SWOT, which could help me to decide by clarifying issues and gaining a balanced perspective on the problem. However, I will have to find the courage to make the decision by myself, with due care, but in due time. In the end, if we aspire to be managers – of businesses, projects, people, even of our own lives – then we must face the task of decision-making with confidence and competence. We must develop the skill of sound and rational deliberation based on the information and time available. There will always be a risk of being wrong, but being wrong is better than being

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A River Sutra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A River Sutra - Essay Example The man had been tutored by her father and had promised to marry her after he had learned his music. A young executive who worked at a tea company lives a wasteful life until he meets a young woman called Rima and falls in love with her. The woman puts a spell on him and he becomes insane. He goes to the river and makes a mud image of goddess and he regains his sanity back. In summary, the river offered love and life to all the people. The other theme the author reveals in the book is misery. The people who visit the river experience suffering and seek happiness. The monk, despite being wealthy, is not satisfied in his life. He had lived a poor life and he sought something more from life. Mohan is taunted and sneered by his wife for being poor. He takes a young boy, Imran who sings beautifully but the wife sells the young boy to a master for five thousand rupees. The master slits the boy’s throat and Mohan commits suicide afterwards, his life has been full of suffering. It is clear that the people have different beliefs regarding the river. The people who pay pilgrimage believe the river is one of the holiest in India. However, it is a paradox that the river means ‘whore’. The archeologists who conduct a dig in the river wonder about the immortality of the river and makes fun that the people believe that it is sacred. Therefore religion is a complimenting theme in the book. People from various religious backgrounds such as Muslims, Hindus and Jain monks pay pilgrimage to the river. .The stories reveal that man must undergo suffering in order to attain perfection of power from the river. This is portrayed when the archeological professor Shankar realizes he is the Naga Baba that rescued Umi from a brothel as an ascetic and immersed her in the river for cleansing. In conclusion, the stories in the book link love forgiveness and happiness to each individual’s belief. Regardless of their different religious beliefs, the river

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Only for Expert in Public Administration (Texas), (comprehinsive exam) Assignment - 3

Only for Expert in Public Administration (Texas), (comprehinsive exam) III part - Assignment Example These leaders should also have the ability to be patient and tolerate wide range of consultative exercise to represent and adjudicate effectively on laws that they fully comprehend. Above all, these leaders are suppose to be sober minded so as to allow for rational, objective, and impartial contribution during debates for which laws and legalities are enacted. Local governments are normally in charge of providing services to the public and this is more pronounced in the major urban areas than in rural areas. Among the services that are offered by the local authority includes; provision of packing places, general hygiene in towns which involves collecting and safe disposing of the waste, provision of cemeteries, maintenances of the street lights are some of the major services that are offered by the local government (Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller, 1998). It will be in agreement then that for the provision of these services to take place, there must be funding for the local authority thus some of the sources of funding for the local authority includes; One of the major sources of funds for the local government is the tax collection charged on the provision of services like car parking, land rates, sign post rates, and collection for garbage dispose among others (Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller, 1998). Local authorities also do collection of their revenue from licensing of businesses within their areas of jurisdiction, business permits and receipts issues for major function held in their areas of control are charged. Local authorities can also organize recreation facilities for the public, these includes; children recreation centers, pubs, restaurants and meeting places. Finally, local authorities can also be given fund directly\y from the central government in event that they want do major undertakings like construction of major roads within the town (Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller, 1998). This is the most fundamental part of driving the agenda of any forma l organization. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Initial Condition Report- Environment- Farming Assignment

Initial Condition Report- Environment- Farming - Assignment Example â€Å"Agri-food systems research theorizes two separate and unequal food systems based on the competing values, differential social and environmental impacts, and unequal power relations.†1 Of these, the first type is the industrial agriculture which can be characterized as being more financial or capital oriented, and is generally large-scale in nature, shows high productivity, and is â€Å"mechanized with monocultural cropping systems† that has links with the local, national and global market, as for example the Washington apples.2 The second form is the sustainable agriculture, which is distinguished as compact, region-specific process agricultural practice in order to meet the requirements for food while also protecting and complementing the surrounding environment and working towards elevating the quality of lives of the residents of that particular locality (as seen in Puget Sound).3 To comprehend the agri-food system within the Puget Sound region, it is necessary to take a firsthand stock of the existing agricultural system within this region. Fig 1: This shows a rather depressing picture, where we find that till 1997 in the region of Puget Sound, the scenario pertinent to agriculture is not very encouraging. More than 20% of the agricultural lands (amounting to about 100000 acres) have been lost or put to other use in the region, within a short period of only fifteen years, 1982 to 1997. There has been a decrease in the number of farms (nearly 25%) in this region during the same time-frame.4 According to this report, smaller farms are disappearing fast, while there has been a slight increase in the larger farms; however the report shows us that less number of young people are entering into this farming business.5 Later available figures of the Pierce County and the Snohomish County show us that, after 1997, especially in the years 2002 and 2007, the farming situation in Snohomish County is comparatively better, and shows slight increase in the number of farms (fig 2-a), and land in farms (fig 2b), The Pierce County however shows figures that continue to reflect a downward slide. In the context of the decreased amount of chemicals brought by the farms in the Pierce County, reflects a tilt towards an improvement in the environment and the crops produced (fig 2c and d); while Snohomish with an increasing agriculture produce, shows a rise in the use of chemicals by these farms, which may prove to be detrimental for the environment. (fig 2c and d). Hence, the focus should be on producing local crops that are organic in nature, that is, crops grown without the use of any chemical fertilisers. Number of Farms 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County 1616 1474 1448 Snohomish County 1819 1574 1670 Fig 2 (a): Source; Census of Agriculture Land in Farms (acres) 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County 61689 57224 47677 Snohomish County 72882 68612 76837 Fig 2 (b): Source; Census of Agriculture Number of Farms purchased chemicals 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County 560 510 425 Snohomish County 444 388 454 Fig 2 (c): Source; Census of Agriculture Total expenses for chemicals 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County $870,000 $1,044,000 $707,000 Snohomish County $722,000 $721,000 $1,501,000 Fig 2 (d): Source; Census of Agriculture The sharp fall in the agricultural produce in the Puget Sound region is owing to the fact that the farm products are liable to be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Customer Satisfaction in the Singapore Hotel Industry

Customer Satisfaction in the Singapore Hotel Industry Introduction Hotel is one of the most important organizations in the field of tourism industry in providing service. Therefore, they play a full role in improving and expanding the tourism industry and also in improving and developing economic circumstance. Today, customer satisfaction is a specific requirement for the improvement of service organizations such as hotels, and increase profitability. Thereby maintaining the system of measurement and evaluation of customer satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of improving the quality, but the basic needs of the recent organization. On the other hand, by expanding the borders of the global village, the need for only standard regulations to assess the quality of certain products and services, is to measure the situation of the organizations in the international market competition, may be felt more than ever Study background Customer satisfaction is a business philosophy, is a measure of how products and services offered by a company meet or exceed customer expectations. It is considered an important indicator of performance in business and is part of four of the Balanced Scorecard. Customer satisfaction with a companys products or service is often seen as the key to a companys success and long term competitiveness (Klee, 1998). Identify and forecast customer demands and to be able to meet them is important to achieve customer satisfaction. Due to the costs of attracting new customers costs more than retaining existing customers, to be successful managers must focus on retaining existing customers, effective implementation of policies Customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is especially true in the hotel industry. Today, managers in the hotel industry is facing one of the most important challenge is to provide and maintain customer satisfaction. Consequently, quality of service has become a factor important in the overall tourism experience, and one which ultimately dictates the success of the tourism business (Kandampully, 2000). According to Lewis and Booms (1982), service quality is measure of how well the service delivered matches customer expectations. Positive relationships can make higher commitment of customers and increase their rate of return. Long-term relationships between customers and hotel is becoming more important as the positive correlation between overall satisfaction levels of visitors and their ability to return to the same hotel. Hotels are increasing their investments to improve service quality and perceived value for customers to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty better of them, thus achieving a better relationship with customers. Competition is increasing dramatically as variety of hotel industry; hence, the hotel management has always tried hard to provide the best service quality and the best satisfaction for customers in the hotel industry including hotels in Singapore. Study area This report covers of the main literature on customer satisfaction and retention in the hotel industry in Singapore. The hypothesis of the report will research based on the issues of the customer satisfaction and how a hotel management use effective policies to providing services and goods with a high quality to satisfy the customers and go through a lot of effort in maintaining their customer satisfaction, develop and make profits in their business focusing on Singapore area. Research structure The report focus mainly on Customer satisfaction emphasize on the area of hotel industry in Singapore. First chapter introduces background of the Customer satisfaction and briefly summarized importance of relevant issues. Second chapter identifies customer satisfaction in the hotel industry, purpose applying the best strategies to provide quality services to customer, reasons why need to maintain old customers and attract new customers. How to build customer loyalty, hotel attributes what services to customers and the legal regulations, strategic considerations will be explained. And fourth chapter concludes the best methods to proposing improvements in customer satisfaction management in the hotel industry. Research objectives The aims and objectives of this research are: What is customer satisfaction and how to achieve it? Hotels need to adopt effective strategies and create product attributes to customers to satisfy them. How the service quality related to customer satisfaction? Provide good service quality will gain customer satisfaction. Definition of customer loyalty and how to remain customer loyalty? To gain customer loyalty, hotel needs to have a good relationship with customers. What services quality is hotel need to provide to customer in order to get customer satisfaction, loyalty and repeat patronage? Cleanliness, location, security, room rates, service quality and reputation or chain of hotels. CHAPTER 2 / LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction of main issues In todays competitive market, the company provides services throughout the world effort to achieve a better position than its competitors through the only advantage to please their customers satisfaction and therefore retain their loyalty. On the other hand, customers are always looking for suppliers of goods and services of better quality and meet their expectations. But most vendors are now providing quality products with relatively equal, so customers always have multiple choices Therefore, in the hotel industry, considering the quality of service and customer satisfaction is very important, so it is necessary to adopt appropriate measures and procedures for recognition and improvement many services as possible to meet the hotel guests and customers. Analyze Customer satisfaction in hotel industry Customer satisfaction is an important topic for both researchers and managers, because of high levels of customer satisfaction leads to an increase in repeat patronage among current customers and aids customer recruitment by enhancing an organizations marker reputation. Being able to successfully judge customer satisfaction levels and to apply that knowledge are critical starting points to establishing and maintaining long term customer retention and long term competitiveness (Yuksel and Yuksel, 2002). Customer satisfaction brings many benefits, the satisfaction increases of customers retentions and customers retentions is dependent on the nature of the relationship between the parties which are also affected by the service delivered. Satisfaction is an overall customer attitude towards a service provider, or an emotional reaction to the difference between what customers anticipate and what they receive (Zineldin, 2000), regarding the fulfilment of some need, goal or desire. For most products, services and aspects of performance can be made to reflect objectively measured. Some customers may be taken to a house fit their criteria, but not suitable to the taste of individual customers to assess customer service as uncomfortable as they do not see a list of their choice. Kano, Bentler and Li-tze (1984) developed a model to categorize the attributes of a product or service based on how well they are able to satisfy customer needs. Consideration of the Kano model, we can see how it might not be enough to just satisfy customers by meeting their needs and performance basis only. In a highly competitive marketplace, organizations need to adopt strategies and to create product attributes targeted specifically at exciting customers and over satisfying them (Tan Pawitra, 2001). In the real estate to please and satisfy customers, agents will need to have a comprehensive knowledge and extensive list of all the local area. In essence, it is the experience and attitudes of individuals closest contact with customers that are likely to affect whether customers are satisfied and ready to go back to the company. It is also the people in direct contact with customers who determine who the retained and satisfied customers are, and their experience determines how they treat the customers (Hansemark Albinsson, 2004) thus impacting on the service quality delivered Advantages of providing good Service quality to customers The concept of service quality as a whole building is large and diverse. The theory has been elaborated on by many researchers. Berry, Parasuraman and Zeithaml (1985) write service quality as perceived by consumers stems from a comparison of what they feel service firms should offer with their perception of the performance of the firm providing the services. . Quality of service received is considered as the degree and direction of the difference between the perceptions of consumers. For example in real estate, this is what customers expect from the agent compare to which is actually distributed by that agent. In real estate, that interaction occurs from the moment the client and agent speak either verbally or electronically. It is evident that research on goods quality is inadequate in the service field, which has three inherent characteristics: intangibility, heterogeneity and inseparability between production and consumption (Berry, Parasuraman and Zeithmal, 1985). In this scenario, providing high quality services and improving customer satisfaction are widely recognized as fundamental factors boosting the performances of companies in the hotel and tourism industry (Barsky Labagh, 1992; Le Blanc, 1992,; Le Blanc et al., 1996; Stevens et al., 1995, Opermann, 1998). Hotels with good service quality will ultimately improve their profitability (Oh Parks, 1997). In a competitive hospitality industry which offers homogeneous services, individual hoteliers must be able to satisfy costumers better than their counterparts (Choi Chou, 2001). Strategies to maintain customer Loyalty There are three ways to determine customer loyalty that are Behavioural measurements, attitudinal measurement, and Composite measurements The measurements considered appropriate behaviour; buying behaviour is repeated as an indicator of loyalty. One problem with the approach to repeat purchase behaviour is not always the result of a psychological commitment to the brand. For example, a traveller can stay at the hotel because it is most convenient place. When a new hotel opens on the street, they switch because the new hotel offers better value. Therefore, repeat purchase does not always mean that commitment. Attitude measurement use attitudinal data to reflect the attitudes and psychological feelings associated inherent in loyalty. The attitudinal measurements are concerned with the sense of participation, loyalty and faithfulness. There are instances when a customer holding a favourable attitude for a hotel, but he or she does not stay at the hotel. One can appreciate a hotel, recommend the hotel to others, but feel the hotel for him too expensive to use on a regular basis. The above approaches measure loyalty uni dimensionally. Composite measurements of loyalty combine the first two dimensions and measure loyalty by customers product preferences, propensity of brand switching, frequency of purchase, regency of purchase and total amount of purchase. The use of both attitude and behaviour in a loyalty definition substantially increases the predictive power of loyalty (Pritchard and Howard, 1997). Two-dimensional composite method has been applied and supported as a valuable tool for understanding customer loyalty in many fields, such as retail, entertainment, luxury hotels and airlines. For this study, customer loyalty is customer attitude favourable to the company, committed to purchase products or services, and introduce products to them. According to a survey carried out by Barsky Nash in 2006, regarding the main hotel chains worldwide, between 2002 and 2005, the importance of loyalty programs for guests decision on where to stay increased from 32% to 34%. Although the search for new locations is certainly the most important factor for many tourists, several studies highlighted that there is a good portion of customers that chose to repeat their holidays destination, showing a certain degree of loyalty (Oppermann, 1998; Fyall et al., 2003). According to the study of loyalty found that, there are five major factors affecting the repetition of trip to the same tourist place. They do not want to make wrong choice when choosing the other tourist destinations. They want to meet those familiar. The emotional affection to a specific place. The possibility to explore the place better, and want to recommend the place to others. Customer satisfaction is the starting point to build customer loyalty, so a long term relationship. This creates a loyaltys stock in enterprises to improve corporate image. Strengthening relationships with customers leads to repeat patronage. On the other hand, an unsatisfied customer may represent a danger to the enterprise. A research, conducted by Cherubini (1997), shows that only 4% of unsatisfied customers complains to the business explaining the reason of their unsatisfaction, and each client who doesnt officially complain generates a negative WOM which can involve also 1000 people. Important role of Hotel attributes Research into hotel selection criteria has focused on the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality of services and facilities. Because of the intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishables of service, consumers perception of satisfaction criteria may include contextual cues that they use to evaluate the service quality and to make decisions about future patronage, whether or not they experienced the hotels products and services before (Bitner, 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1985). Alpert (1971 and Kivela (1996) viewed consumer product and services as a bundle of attributes, or features, and benefits, and stated that those attributes that directly influence consumer choice are termed determinant attributes. These attributes, which may be different from competitors services, may be important factors in determinant consumers intention to purchase in the future. Wuest et al. (1996) defined perceptions of hotel attributes as the degree to which travellers find various services and facilities important in promoting their satisfaction with hotel stays. To get loyalty and value than other competitors, suppliers must be able to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction for services provided. There have been many studies on the needs and characteristics of tourists. Reviews of literature that most travellers would consider following hotel attributes when giving the hotel choice decision: cleanliness, location, security, room rates, service quality and reputation or chain of hotels. Atkinson (1988_ found that cleanliness of accommodation, followed by safety and security, accommodation value for money, and courtesy and helpfulness of staff were the top attributes for travellers in hotel choice selection. Hoteliers need to fully acknowledge which service attributes are most likely to influence customers choice intentions (Richard Sundaram, 1993). Customer satisfaction practices can help them to identify the crucial favorable word of mouth (WOM) publicity (Berkman Gilson, 1986; Choi Chu, 2001; Fornell, 1992; Halstead Page, 1992; Knutson, 1988; Pizam, 1994). A satisfied guest promotes positive WOM at no cost for the enterprise and with effect and credibility that are superior to those of conventional advertising (Lee et al., 2006, Tarn, 2005, Villanueva et al., 2008). WOM effect is also amplified by the World Wide Web (Dominici, 2009; Trusov et al. 2009). CHAPTER 3 / CONCLUSION 3.0 Conclusions Hence, both exploring the importance for customers of single attributes in hotel selection and to systematically survey their level of satisfaction are indispensable. Research on the topic of guests leads to negative evaluations of the hotel, thus restricting the chance of repeat patronage guest satisfaction, which translates into the consideration of whether or not customers will return to a hotel or advice it to other tourists, is pivotal to the success of the hospitality business. Neglecting to pay attention to those hotel attributes considered most important by. CHAPTER 4 / REFERENCES

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dreaming of Home Essay -- Personal Narrative Descriptive Dreams Essays

Dreaming of Home Everyday, after waking up, I realized that I had been dreaming about home again. I lay staring at the ceiling for a moment or two. Then, dragging myself from the bed, I walked to the window and threw open the curtains. The wide open space of the New Mexico high desert stared back blankly at me. The cobalt blue skies, peach colored Sandia Mountains and endless waves of sagebrush and juniper stood in stark contrast to my dreamscape. For the past eight years, my first view of the day was this one. But today was different. Today, I was going home. I grew up in Dublin in the 1970s. To understand how that shaped the person I am today, you have to understand something about Ireland at that time. It has been said by someone a lot more insightful, and perhaps more cynical than me, that the 1960s didn't reach Ireland until about 1975. So I grew up in a time of great change, where the old social norms were being challenged and cast aside. Of course, in my growing years, I didn't always understand this. I viewed Dublin through the eyes of a child. I led a fairly sheltered existence, the eldest of seven children. My parents were country people and had moved here after the birth of my first sibling, Paul. My father worked in the construction industry and construction jobs were much more plentiful here than in the backwaters of Wicklow where he was born and bred. My mother was from the West, born in County Clare and was the daughter of a farm laborer. Her father, Patrick Murray, had moved where the work was too, and had ended up settling and eventually retiring in Wicklow. This was where my parents met and where I had come into being. Our days in Dublin were regularly punctuated by trips to the country to visit my gr... ... We were old friends and lovers, learning that what it was to know one another again and tentatively finding our way back into each others lives. I still love Dublin, but I realize now that I love it despite itself and not because of itself. I think, perhaps, that is how it's always been. And a strange thing happened. I awoke one morning to find myself back in my bedroom, back in New Mexico. My wife lay sleeping beside me, lost in her own dreams. The house was quiet. I walked once more to the window and opened those curtains. The room was immediately filled with warm, brilliant sunlight. The sky was that same fantastic shade of blue and the Sandia Mountains glistened as ever in the early morning light. I gazed out across the waves of sagebrush and juniper and realized I had not dreamed of home. Looking back to where my wife lay sleeping, I realized I was home.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Interview Questions for Manager Profiles Essay

Q1.What do you think are the challenges for Hero MotoCorp at this moment? Q2.What steps would you take to meet the challenges? Â  Q3.Describe a situation in which you were required to handle an unsatisfactory customer. Q4.How has your previous company benefited from you? Â  Q5.What are the most important skills that are required for this job profile? Which of these do you have and don’t have? Q6.What life lessons does a management degree teach? Â  Q7.Tell us about a time when, as a team leader, you had to deal with a difficult situation professionally. How did you solve the issue keeping the team members in purview? Q8.What are the two significant trends in the two wheeler industry today? Q9.Describe a situation when you had to convince a non-supporting team member to consider your plan of action. Q10.What was your specialization in your management studies? Q11.What was going on in your mind when you decided on the management specialization subjects? Q12.How has your previous job experience helped you personally and professionally? Q13.Describe your usual work week. What kinds of works do you do as a manager? General Interview Questions for Hero MotoCorp Ltd Q1.Tell us something about yourself. Q2.What are your hobbies? Q3.What is your vision for Hero MotoCorp? Q4.How did you come to know about Hero MotoCorp? What made you apply here? Q5.Give us reasons why you want to work in this company and not any other. Q6.How do you think will you make a difference in the company? Q7.Which product or service of Hero MotoCorp interests you the most? Why? Q8.How do you see yourself 5 years from now? Q9.What is your expectation in terms of salary? Q10.Tell us about the competitors of Hero MotoCorp. How do these competitors rate in comparison to this company? Q11.How would you describe your role in Hero MotoCorp, if you are hired?